perm filename CHARS.B3[AM,DBL]1 blob sn#484176 filedate 1979-11-28 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Name: THORN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 78207/71097/71097		11/18/79
Class: Th/MU/F	Level: 8/7/5(7)		Alignment: C.N.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 11 (19)        12          10          14           18           8

Hits: 	47    (Includes +4 Crow, and previous CON 15 pluses)
	      5/2/10  6/4/7  4/3/8  3/4/9  3/2/7  5/4  4/4  4/
Damage:  12
Gold: 50595	Carried: 10cspge; MM sack of 9 gems (5000tot); 4 MM jewels (15000tot)
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +3000

Armor class: 4+5+?      (+4DEX, +1shield, either +1 chain or unknown black chain)

Saving throws:     Poison 9  Wands 9/5  Stone 10/6  Dragon 11(7)/7(3)  Spells 10/6 [p28]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+3 Long Sword           6   4   2   1   0  -1  -2  -4  -6   1d8+9      1d12+9       3    5
2-Handed sword          5   4   3   2   0  -1  -2  -1  -1   d10+6      3d6+6        6    1
Firm Long Bow           4   2   1  -1  -3  -5  -6  -7  -8   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Spetum (disarm: AC8)   10   8   6   5   4   3   2   0  -2   1d6+7      2d6+6        1    8
Daggar                 11  10   8   7   5   3   1   0  -3   1d4+6      1d3+6
[Lance (heavy horse)    7   6   6   5   4   4   3   3  -2   2d4+7      3d6+6        1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow  7   5   3   2   0  -2  -3  -5  -6   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
Spells taken in:
	1st (4): P.Evil 14r, P.Evil 14r, Tensor Disk 10t, Ventril 9r 60'
	2nd (3): St. cloud 7r 2x2x2, Mirror Image 1d4+7% 14r, Invis
	3rd (2): Haste 7creat 40x40 10r; Slow 160' 10r 40x40 7creat [+4att p67]
	4th (1): Poly Self 14t (then heal 1d12)
	Ring:  Fireball13+ 230' 20'r, Poly Self, Cloudkill+ 10' 13r 4/6 40x20
		Spectral Forces 130' +3r 110x10',  Poly Self
		Wall of Fire 60' 2d6+8 30'rad 2d4/10' 1d4/20' 160x20' concen+8r
Magic items:  	Fear wand (19 uses left).  Borrowed +1 chain, X Binocs
	Heat Cleaver sword of cold +3 (+6 vs fire), speak W.Dragon,Common,Chaotic G/N/E
		det. traps 1-3, magic 1-5, and locates secret doors 1-2
		50% exting. fires 10'rad (incl. wall of fire). Invul to normal fire.
		Very: Max damage is 1pt/segment (10/r): lava, demon, hellh, wall of fire
		Excep:-2/die & -4save vs fireball, lava, wall of fire, breath, Balrog
	Skeleton sword: -2 Cursed, Det. Metal, Intell 7, Repels Undead ($3k→Llarn)
	+5% lockpick 	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7) at home
        Small skin of potion that does + or - 1d6 heal/hurt per gulp.
	Certificate of resurrection (duplicate on file at Marchand church)
	Gauntlets of ogre strength: 19 STR, +3 attack, extra +6 damage
	7 arrows with Magic Mouths on them, 7 sim. invis. pellets with MM's:
		Orcas call, Breathing, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps, Dig2
	8 arrows with MMs + contin. dark: DIG2, 7 above. 8 sim. w/contin.light
	20 MM guard arrows: >shot/placed, laugh loud if monster passes or arrow laughs.
	Fake wand with button & Fake rod, each with 2 MMs that hum when "used"
	Ring of spell storing 6 	2 & dark rings; headband
	1 potion of gaseous form in a small wineskin (potions from Morrn)
	Anti-evil shirkin (one use per type of creature, kills if hit, no save)
	1 +2/+2 arrow w/crawler poison and Dig2 MMs in Common, C.E., L.E., Neu.
	4 arrows crawler poison, C.Dark, 4 Dig2s.   1 s. skin of 5 doses scorpion poison.
	20 sets of Identify pearls and materials; 10 arrows w/+10 poison (save +4)
	Magic Mouths on all valuable possessions, which cry out at thieving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, sword, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Explosive runes on 2 "scrolls", 2 "books", 2 plaques, 5 condolence cards
	1 vial of slug digestive acid, in vial, padded, in outer vial, padded, in 3rd vial.
	4 winseskins of quasimagic black wine.  Oral posion potion (from Manticore)
	Sword #5 from Hill Giants: C.N., +1 flaming, det. gems, kind, & Number.
   Carried (slung):     30' & 6' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	25 oils 	Thieving tools
			Charred ring of +1 Magic 	plate->leath in 1r
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
			400gp worth of incense. Material comps. for 20xspells.
   Bandelero of:        8 Holy Water  	MM Pellets	2 Daggars 	10 oils
   Quiver containing: 	MM arrows       7 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	12 silv arrows 	All other arrows
   Quiver containing:	24 silv arrows  6 arrows w/capped, poison-frog invis tips
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			25 Oil 		4 Empty flasks	4 weeks' rations
			2lb Wrapped meat1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			3 shells & pea	1 Flute		10 juggling balls
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (19 hits), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 6 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			48 silv arrows	1 l. compos. bow 2 skins of water
			500 gold	1 500 gp gem	

E.P. Bonus:  Thief 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +5 (for FTR), +3 (for Gauntlets), +1 (for Elf)
Bow Attack bonus:   +3 (for DEX), +5 (for FTR), +1 (for Elf), +3 (Gaunt p.64)

System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%
Will: Note certif. of ressurection; we assume I failed to revive.    My fear
  wand (or if nec. another item) is offered to any MU who WISHes me back; if
  not, then offer an item of  mine  to a cleric who will Raise Dead Fully on
  me.         Until this occurs: In return for her  many friendly acts,  far
  more than any  other Good  character  has rendered me,  I hereby  bequeath
  that Adriana the Ranger  shall be given  her choice of  using any and  all
  items I possess.  Any remaining items are  to be diced for by everyone who  
  can use the item, if they agree to return them if ever I'm brought back.

Striking from behind: Triple damage.  	with surprise: extra +4 on attack
Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead
+3 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
When the diff in surprise dice (+3 for dex) > 1, hit that many times.
Speaks: Thief cant, C.N., elf, gnome, hobbit, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common
Spells known: [45%; 5-7]
1st: Sleep 30'circ centered < 100' 35r, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Identify 7x50%, Charm 120', Ventril 60' 9r
	Magic Missle 4 1d4+1 130' 10'square, Friends 7r 60'rad, Write, Enlarge 2.4x, P.Evil 14r
2nd: Wiz. lock, St. Cld 7r 30' 2x2x2, Magic Mouth, Contin Lt 60'60'rad, Forget 3r, Mirr 14r
	Invis, Rope Trk 6indiv 14t 5-30', Web 14t 35' 40x20x10, Strength 7hrs, Knock
3rd: Fireball 170' 20'rad (33M cu.ft) 7d6, Clairvoy 7r, Phantas, Runes 6d4+6 10'rad, Sugg 8hrs
	Dispel Magic 120' 30'↑3, Haste 60/Slow 160' 10r 40x40 7creat +4att[p67], P.Evil 14r
4th: Confus 9r 2d8 120' <60x60, Poly Self 14t & Other 35', Fear 5-30 wide 60' long,
	Fire Shield 9r save+2 half/no dam, Charm Monst 60', Wall of Ice 70' 7t 700sq' 7/14/21 pts
	Fire Charm 14r 10' 15'rad of fire  Sugg (<12 words, save at -3) Damage 5'rad
	Pickpocket	    80%  (caught:  101%)
	Open locks	    72%  (62% +5% magic lockpick)
	Locate/remove Traps 66%
	Move silently	    77%
	Hide in shadows	    69%
	Climb walls	    96%
	Read languages	    40%
	Hear noise	    30%
Name: ARWEN	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 35034/31768
Class: F/MU   	Level: 6/5  		Alignment: N.G.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 17 (25)        14          11          13           17          14

Hits: 	38    (+4 for Crow)
	      10/3   8/2   7/3   10/4   9/3   6/
Damage: 16    (incl. 4 for absence of crow)

Gold: 16150			       Gold carried: 50g,10e,10c,10k in jewels
Doors: 19/20 (7/8) [p.145]	       Bars/gates: 100% [p.145,126]
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +6000
Hurl rocks: 160' 1d12(+13) [p.126]

Armor class: 2+6            (+2 Plate; +1 shield; +3 DEX mod)
	[3+5 when using a bow or two-handed sword]

Saving throws:     Poison 9  Wands 10/7  Stone 11/8  Dragon 11/8  Spells 13/10

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword             5   3   1   0  -1  -2  -3  -5  -7   1d8+14     1d12+14      3    5
+4 2-Handed sword      -2  -4  -4  -5  -7  -8  -9  -8  -8   1d10+17    3d6+17       6    1
Firm Long Bow           3   1   0  -2  -4  -6  -7  -8  -9   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
+3 Spear	        4   2   1   0  -2  -3  -4  -5  -6   1d6+16     1d8+16       1    7]
Ranseur (disarm: AC8)   8   6   5   3   2   1   0  -1  -3   2d4+13     2d4+13       1    8]
[Lance (Heavy horse)	4   2   3   2   1   1   0   0  -1   2d4+14     3d6+13       1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow  7   5   3   2   0  -2  -3  -5  -6   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
[+1/+2 Daggar	        8   7   3   2  -1  -2  -4  -5  -8   1d4+14     1d3+15   1   1    2]

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): Friends 5r 60'rad, Light 60', Dancing Lights 90' 10r, Prot. Evil 10r
	2nd (2): ESP 5r 25', Mirror Image 10r 1d4+5%
	3rd (1): Invis 10' radius  
Scrolls: detect magic, jump5 1t, MM7 190', FeatherFall13 10x10x10 2800lbs 130' [around neck]
Magic items:  
	+2/+2 arrow, DIG2 in C.E. & then Common, crawler poison
	+1  N.G. Sword (+4 vs slimes and blobs)
		Sec. doors 1-5, Magic 1-5, Slope Pass 1-5, Read Magic, Speak
	+4 Greatsword #7 (from Frost giants) -- OK for NG to touch
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite per gulp.
	Ring with MU continual light (inside), ring with clerical c. darkness
	Gauntlets of star giant strength: 25 STR, +6 attack, extra +13 damage
	False staff of power  ("BANG" flag comes out, wand shoots 1 needle/r)
	Discharged staff of power (bought from Steve's mage)
	1 Magic mouthed arrow (Footsteps receding), C. Lt. pellet (Laughter)
	7 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Fireball, wind, walk, count, cry, sing, whisper
	7 C. Dark arrows (C. Light headband), 4 w/MM sounds (walk,talk,breathe,scream)
	5 arrows w/DIG2, 1 w/MM breathing normally and C. Darkness.
	Potion of fire resistance (1 dose) bought from Thorn, in s. wineskin
	2 potion of gaseous form, in separate small skins.
	+1 Daggar (+2 against giant class)
	Bronze Horn of Valhallah (2d4 berserker F4, AC4, 24hp, 6t, 1/wk)
	3 wineskins of quasimagic "very good wine" -- can't stop drinking it.
	Ring of Surprise +2
	Explosive runes on 5 maps and 5 "scrolls" (actually just parchments)
	Fake wand with button, with magic mouth that buzzes when pushed
	MMs on horn, scrolls, gauntlets: each cries out at thieving attempt
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7) 
Can hit (diff. in surprise dice)+2(for DEX)+2(for ring) times
	during surprise round, before the end of that round.
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	2 skins of water, 2 of normal wine
			A complete set of gear for travelling in arctic climates:
			[fur coat, parka, gloves, boots, mufflers, fur hat, etc.]
			1 Long Bow	1 Ranseur	2-Handed sword
			8 L. sacks	3 Spears	1 Long Sword
			10' pole	1 chain mail net (10x10')/hooks
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
			2 50' ropes w/knots every 5' 	Ashes of Fchelrek's books
   Worn:		+2 Plate armor with straps making it strippable in 1r
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	5 Spikes 	6 Special darts
			Special: poisoned (+10 damage, save at +4), invissed, capped.
   Sack containing: 	2 empty flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quivers with:      	8 flame arrows	30 silv arrows 	all MM/spec arrows
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 empty skin	4 Empty flasks	3 weeks' rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 striped wineskin w/crawler poison
			Sack: oily rags, wax, string, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda, pepper
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse, Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 4 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 skin of wine
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			1 long composite bow		48 silv. arrows

E.P. Bonus:  Fighter 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +5 (for FTR), +6 (for Gauntlets), +1 (for Elf)
Bow Attack bonus:   +2 (for DEX), +5 (for FTR), +1 (for Elf), +6 (for Gaunt p64)

Will:  In return for his paying for 1/3 of my gauntlets' tax (over 3000gp),
	Thorn shall inherit those gauntlets.  Adriana has first pick of my other
	magic items, except Morrn is N.G. and gets the Blob sword.
	After that, all characters may then dice for
	all my remaining items. After repaying res. expenses, divide gold evenly.

System shock: 85%		Resurrection: 90%

Can surprise on 1-6 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-4 thru doors)
[this includes a +2 due to DEX; including the +2 ring, it's 1-6 even thru doors]
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common tongue

	Can intuit traps (1-6), secret doors (1-3), enemies (25%)
	Can intuit evil (25%), speak with plants or animals once/day

Spells known: [55%; 6-9]
	1st: Sleep, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Magic Missle, Tens. disk, Jump, Prot. Evil, Ventril
	     		Detect Magic, Enlarge, Shocking grasp, Charm, Identify, Unseen Servant
	2nd: ESP, Invis, Levitate, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web, MMouth,
			Wizard Lock, Locate Object, Leom. Trap, C. Light
	3rd: Haste, Slow, Lightening, Clairvoy, Dispel Magic, Invis 10',
			Prot. Missles, Leo. Hut, Phantas Force

Defn of DIG2: 
	MM#1: If arrow hits, say "I must warn you that if you don't pull me out
			within 4 rounds, I will have buried to your heart and killed you."
      	MM#2: If arrow goes on by, say "OK, guys, now we can get him from behind!"